Ретрит под Владимиром 2020
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.
did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.
Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.
to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.
There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.
Touching this Ground is all that is important. Then even travelling, teaching, doing retreats or writing messages may also appear as infantile. Be available to this TOUCH, for God’s sake! |
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Message 5Berlin, Germany, 23 May 1999 Whit Sunday MessageWe don’t face the fact. We always tend to escape from the fact by creating an idea of non fact. That is the root cause of our paradoxes and pollution of the mind. For example, if I have fear; I don’t want to face the fact of fear. I instantly create an idea of nonfear according to Bible, Gita or Koran, and then I get involved in this idea according to my conditioning as Hindu, Christian or Moslem. This entanglement with the idea is a trick and mischief played by the mind. This is the basic self-protective mechanism of mind. The separative consciousness (mind) is sustained by getting involved with an idea and thus escaping from the fact. That is why we are never liberated, but we get into more and more bondage; because mind is bondage. But if we can directly attend to the fear, if we can face the fact; then a miracle happens by the natural law. We find that the fear has vanished and a tremendous courage has touched us and this courage will never be allowed to be touched by any temple, mosque or church; because it is not convenient to priests, they want us to be in fear. That keeps them in business. But a mind crippled by fear is not a religious mind. The cultivated courage as the opposite of fear is more morbid fear. This opposite is the breeding ground of terrorism. Freedom from fear is the freedom from mind and the emergence of ‘no-mind’. This is the real miracle – and not the propagated miracles (pious lies) of the religious books. The miracle is to have the freedom from the known, in spite of the existence of the known. Download the Message in PDF format: Message 5: We don’t face the fact (English)