Ретрит под Владимиром 2020
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.
did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.
Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.
to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.
There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.
Именно «религиозное» и «духовное» мышление – продвигаемое различными организациями (организованными преступными группировками) основных гигантских религиозных конфессий со всеми их многообразными зловещими сектами, кумирами и доктринами совместно с «нью-эйджевскими» продавцами наркотиков и вздорных идей – является тем, что разрушило для человеческих существ саму возможность рассвета в изумительном озарении! |
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Message 6Berlin, Germany, 24 May 1999 Whit Monday MessageSexuality in itself is not something negative that must be condemned or overcome. It is only one aspect of life and must, therefore, not dominate one’s life. Sexuality need not be degenerated into an outlet for lust, let it be an expression for love and divine intelligence. Let there be a middle path – between aimless lust and tormenting asceticism. Sexuality is a tender flower. It has to be nurtured and cherished. If it is let loose, it is stupid dissipation of energy and to suppress it brutally is to destroy something delicate and beautiful. Let it discover itself and unfold – neither denying it, nor succumbing to it. To love is the greatest thing of all, for in it there is the complete abandonment of oneself. To love is to be aware of eternity. Love is the excellence of intelligence. To love is to be in ‘no-mind’. Download the Message in PDF format: Message 6: To Love is to be in ‘No-mind’ (English)