Ретрит под Владимиром 2020

Ретрит под Владимиром 2020

8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.

Передача практик в Москве

Передача практик в Москве

5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.

Lahiri Mahasaya

Lahiri Mahasaya

did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.

There are no two

There are no two

Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.

 An invitation

An invitation

to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.



There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.

Message 81

What is Awareness?

Paris, 11 December 2005

  1. Awareness is the movement of Actuality. It is not the manoeuvre of abstractions and ascriptions.
  2. Awareness pertains to the real thing, not to the thought and the theory about the thing.
  3. Awareness is concerned with the fact, not with the fancy and fallacy camouflaging the fact.
  4. Awareness belongs to ‘what is’, not to ‘what should be’.
  5. Awareness leads to freedom and emptiness, not to fragmentation of the experience-structure.
  6. Be aware of your neurosis!
  7. Rise to the awareness of your (mind’s) conflicts, confusion and chaos; not run into concepts, conclusion and concoction.
  8. Be awake to your awareness, don’t remain asleep in your ambition.
  9. Awareness is intelligence, assertion is merely intellectual.
  10. Be aware of your guilt & gullibility, of your greed and god, of your glorification and gratification.
  11. Don’t carry the burden of your belief-systems, symbols, images, motives, taboos, prejudices, superstitions, pretentions; just be aware of them.
  12. Be aware of your pursuits for power, possessions, position, prominence; don’t seduce yourself by paradoxes and prayers.
  13. Find out if the consciousness can be aware of itself without splitting itself into two — ‘me’ and ‘my consciousness’.
  14. Be aware that although you have a unique body, you are not an individual! You are the whole humanity! There is diversity but no division.
  15. Be aware of the self-hypnotic techniques being sold in the spiritual market as meditation and thus be available to the sacred movement of spontaneous meditation.
  16. Awareness is the only morality which wakes you up to the immorality of the power of money, to the insistence on worldliness that industrialism has brought about and to the idiocy of ideologies. And out of such an awareness comes an extraordinary sense of immensity which no President, no Prime Minister, no Pope, no Paramahansa is aware of!
  17. Awareness makes the following miracles in the Psyche:
    • Breaks the bifurcation between the observer and the observed.
    • Sees the actual without abstraction.
    • Comprehends without the ladder of concepts and conclusions.
    • Demolishes the darkness of duality.
    • Flashing of freedom from fragmentations in the field of consciousness begins.
    • Knows without getting into the trap of Knower and the Knowledge (Vedanta process).
    • Overthrows the obscurity of opposites.
    • Rejects reaction or re-iteration for adequate response to resurrect.
    • Sees without the separative process in the consciousness.
    • Surrenders without subservience.
    • Thinks outside the corridor of the Thinker (past) and the Thought (future).
    • Understands without undertaking.
    • Views without vanity.
    • Watches without words.
    • Meditates without the meditator.
    • Ego is held in abeyance for the emptiness to speak.

(An utterance from Lahiri Mahashaya)

Epilogue 1: Guru Nanak’s Mantra on Awareness

Ekamkar Satnam Karta purukh Nirbhayo Nirwaer Akal murat Ajuni Saebhang Guru prasad

Ekamkar: ‘It’ is the same divinity without division despite diversity.
Satnam: ‘It’ is the truth — vast and existential.
Karta purukh: ‘It’ is the Energy and Intelligence. (Prakriti & Purush of Gita and Chiti-Shakti of Patanjali).
Nirbhayo: ‘It’ has nothing to do with fears or apprehensions of the embodied consciousness.
Nirwaer: ‘It’ is beyond all conflicts of opposites and enmity.
Akal murat: ‘It’ transcends all limitation in time and space.
Ajuni: ‘It’ has no beginning (and therefore no end too).
Saebhang: ‘It’ is revealed naturally by itself.
Guru prasad: ‘It’ is the ultimate grace of the Guru Process.

Epilogue 2: Meaning of the word ‘GURU’

GU: from Gupta, that is, camouflaged, covered, darkness. RU: from Rudra, that is, fire, light.
So, GURU implies the process of dispelling darkness.

An invitation Lahiri lore
Lahiri Lore

The Authentic Kriya Yoga

Mahavatara Babaji
Lahiri Mahasaya
Tinkori Lahiri
Satyacharan Lahiri

Despite all tall claims by others, no one is perhaps as authorised as Shibendu Lahiri (born 1939), the great grand son of famous house holder Yogi Lahiri Mahasaya (1828-1895), to spread the authentic teachings and techniques of Kriya Yoga in the world today.

Yet he says in utter humility that wise wields no authority and those in authority are not wise! Organisations assert authority, but authenticity may be lacking. Mobilisation may create a mafia, but the most sacred may remain untouched. Cultism has no place in matters deeply spiritual.

Lahiri Mahasaya (Full Name: Shyama Charan Lahiri) became known to the truth seekers all over the world through Paramahamsa Yogananda's famous book “Autobiography of a Yogi”, which has been translated in many languages.

Shibendu has the distinction of receiving the original Kriya process in the age old Rishi-tradition of India, that is, from father to son – generation after generation. Thus the process here passed, through knowledge and genes, from Shyama Charan to Tinkori to Satya Charan to Shibendu who was initiated in 1960 by his father Late Satya Charan Lahiri at the family shrine “Satyalok” D 22/3, Chousatti Ghat, Varanasi – 221 001 (India).

Kriya Yoga: Kriya means action and Yoga means integration. Kriya Yoga emphasises integration of separative consciousness (generated by unceasing movement of thought) with an awakenedness (that is, a non-elective holistic attention free from mental fragmentations) through actions of perception and not through the activities of conceptualisation.

Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma.

Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. It is a unique combination of Hatha-Raja-Laya Yoga. It settles the seeker in his natural state in which his body receives instructions only form glands and Chakras. Thought does not interfere as interloper to create psychosomatic problems and pursuits. Kriya Yoga does not tell stories, does not indulge in miracle mongering to keep the seekers amused in poor and paralyzing consolations. Organisations promoting surmises and fictions are stragglers from the path of truth. Kriya Yoga encourages seekers to investigate if experiencer and the experienced can become one unitary movement without any dichotomy whatsoever.

Like his ancestors, Shibendu Lahiri is also a house-holder and has passed through all aspects being a human so that spiritual journey does not appear too steep for the seekers. He received high university education and supported his family well, through remunerative jobs. His two daughters and their husbands are specialised medical doctors and his only son, also married, is an erudite engineer.

Since 14 January 1988, Shibendu spends his time sharing the teachings and the kriyas all around the world. Year in and year out, he travels at the invitation of devotees and disciples. Countries he has covered so far are: USA (including Hawaii and Puerto Rico), Canada, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, South Africa, Mauritius, Chile (South America), Norway, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Nepal, Sweden, Netherlands, England, New Zealand, Brazil, Greece and of course, various places in India. Many other nationals also came to him during his Kriya-Yoga programmes in many places.

Shibendu Lahiri has no organisation, institution, sect or cult.

Shibendu Lahiri has no organisation, institution, sect or cult. He has no ambition to influence anybody. He only invites seekers to share the insight which flowered, generation after generation, through Kriya process. His yearning is to see that human beings live in peace and amity without ache, agony and animosity, without this monstrous culture of killing and being killed in the name of some fragmented flag or phoney fanatic idea in the name of religion.