Ретрит под Владимиром 2020
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.
did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.
Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.
to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.
There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.
Man is god, for man is life. Be free of the entanglements of creeds, customs, dogmas, doctrines, prejudice, pre-conceived notions. Think simply. |
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Message 120Bulgarian Retreat (Pamporovo), 2 Jul. 2007 Energy of Understanding in a profound Sutra of Shrimad Bhagavat GitaLet us jump straight away in the opposite-free ocean of benediction and grandeur called Bhagawat Gita, without any fear of getting drowned. This Sutra is total freedom from fragmentations, divisions and dualities obtaining in the psychological time, the psych ‘I’, generally known as ‘mind’. prayāṇa-kāle: when the psyche ‘I’ is in a state of dissolution, The full Sutra reads like this (Bhagawad Gita: 8/10): prayāṇa-kāle manasā-acalena According to Hindu belief-system, this connection of Intelligence is situated at the centre of the ‘Krishna’s flute’ (between ājñā cakra in the back and the ‘Kutastha’, ‘the third eye’, in the front of the human skull). This connection of Chaitanya can also be reached by piercing down the centre of the sahashrara (Crown chakra). This is also known in some circles as brahma-randhra. This is supposed to be the seat of the ‘Soul’. That is why the Hindu custom is to break the skull with a heavy piece of wood after the dead body is cremated and burnt out in order to ‘liberate’ the soul! Poor Non-Hindus! Your poor ‘Souls’ remain ‘unliberated’ as you do not break the skull before laying down a dead body to rest in the grave! One rascal Bulgarian has recently claimed all knowledge about Brahma Randhra and fontanel as also about the process of death and liberation of ‘soul’ in his letter of ‘exposure’ to Shibendu, which is indeed thrilling! Shibendu therefore recommends Bulgarian kriyabans to take him as their Guruji for his super ‘spiritual’ knowledge! There are reasons why this profound Sutra has been interpreted in a different way by many Hindus with a lot of damned superstitions. This is not the place to discuss this matter. Perhaps we Kriyabans will go into all this in detail during a Retreat. This Sutra is an invitation to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future. Then it is easy to see that life is never born, life never dies! It is eternal existential being. The body is born and the body dies. ‘You’ is life! You are the whole humanity, whole life, not an ‘individual soul’. ‘You’, as a separate mind, is a myth. JAI SUTRADownload the Message in PDF format: Message 120: State of Dissolution (English)