Ретрит под Владимиром 2020
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.
5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.
did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.
Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.
to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.
There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.
Тишина не похожа на то, что мы имеем в виду, когда говорим «тишина». Мы называем «тишиной» лишь подавление – а значит, видоизмененное существование – шума. |
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Message 113Paris, 20 January 2007 A letter to a Scholar (Ph. D.) Karma Yogi devotee of PortugalKarma Yoga (excellence and harmony in functioning) is also Kriya Yoga when there is no dichotomy between performer and performance. That is, when doing happens as a natural flow without the hindrance, which sustains a separation insisting on “I am doing”! And this Kriya Yoga is further articulated and specialised when it is accompanied by the internalization process such as Talabya Kriya, Internal breathing, Navi Kriya, Mahamudra, Thokar Kriya and so on. karma brahmodbhavaṁ viddhi brahmākṣarasamudbhavam | Functions and actions originate in Universal Intelligence (Chaitanya, Brahma). Intelligence originates in the Imperishable. All-pervading Intelligence is perceptible when separation (‘I’) is constantly sacrificed in the fire of choiceless awareness. This is the real yagna (fire-ceremony). This is the Swadhyay (Saamkhya) aspect of Kriya Yoga. But the charlatans of the Hindu spiritual market are popularizing the rituals of fire-ceremony and ‘Agni-hotra’ in the west. Special utensils, cow-dung, ghee, other yagna materials and mantras are imported by western enthusiasts and sold among their humble followers at huge profits. Entertainment of Christian gullibility is being replaced by the excitement of Hindu credulity! Shibendu also performs such centrifugal fire-ceremonies, at times, only as a symbol to inspire centripetal fire of comprehension and awareness wherein all residues and sediments of psychological registrations are reduceв to ashes. Let karma happen naturally and effortlessly. Do not under-do it or over-do it. It is the separation ‘I’ in the consciousness that makes you run into anxiety spoiling your health and well-being. Will is the wonderful name of the ego. So willful dedication to God can be a device of the ‘I’ to remain divided from God! Divinity is the natural state of life. Division is the notorious affair of mind. Freedom does not know division. You need not come to Paris to be with me. I am with you! I am glad to know that important assignments are entrusted upon you. I have no doubt about your capabilities to face any challenge and to fulfill your obligations. Working is in your hand, but success or otherwise is in Someone Else’s Hand. Be sure that He cares and carries. Remain calm and quiet effortlessly. Even when Kriya happens effortlessly, it is meditation. Let there be no doubt. There cannot be any irresponsibility when there is adequate response based on actuality without any pollution from assumptions and ascriptions. To be in Swadhyay using the messages as mirrors, is to be reborn and rejuvenated from time to time. Some devotees asked Buddha: “Have you gained contact with God?” Jai Existence (God)