Ретрит под Владимиром 2020

Ретрит под Владимиром 2020

8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.

Передача практик в Москве

Передача практик в Москве

5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.

Lahiri Mahasaya

Lahiri Mahasaya

did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.

There are no two

There are no two

Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.

 An invitation

An invitation

to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.



There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.

Emptying oneself of the “me-ness” is the emergence of life in meditation and in the real dimension of religion which is the benediction of Divinity.
An invitation Messages Message 82: Jai Maa!

Message 82

Why fatigue, when energy is our natural state?

Paris, 18 December, 2005

In the Himalayan Retreat 2005, the teachings were holy and hard-hitting. And the programmes were very tight and hectic. But the food was extremely good with newness & novelty on each occasion without any repetition. The Himalayan environment was Heaven itself with its pious, panoramic and profound scenerio everywhere around. There was no place for fatigue which emanates from the field of fragmentations in the mind. And there was ‘no-mind’, as only life was there. Yet some participants complained of fatigue!

Teachings on fatigue then started flowing spontaneously like a natural Fall and there was transformation in the psyche. Later, the participants suggested that the synopsis of this teaching should appear in the web-site as a message. Thanks to Bulgarians who made a video recording and thereafter sent the transcript (to the extent possible) to Shibendu for this message.

Rabindra Nath Tagore, the famous poet-sage of India, said in a beautiful melodious song: ‘Klanti Amaar Khamaa Karo Prabhu…’ implying: ‘O Life, O Lord, O All pervading Energy-Intelligence, pardon this fatigue of the ‘I’, the mind; pardon the meanness, this dullness, this destitution, this lifelessness of the mind…’

Energy is the natural state of life. Fatigue is the protective mechanism of the mind which is an enemy of life. Life fulfills itself merely by seeing. Mind seeks fulfillment by becoming, achieving targets, meeting deadlines, reacting, repenting, resenting, depending, defending, deluding. Life is fullness. Mind is all fragmentation. Life is fun. Mind is fatigue!

The body, the limited life, in a particular situation may need rest, refreshment, relaxation, deep silence, catnaps, sleep and thus the body makes itself available to rejuvination spontaneously. It does not classify this as a fatigue situation and starts worrying about it. It is the mind which classifies a situation as pleasant or unpleasant, fatigue or otherwise. It then desperately holds on to the pleasant and becomes hostile to the unpleasant. This begins to destroy the body, brings maladies to it and as a consequence we get into all kinds of psycho-somatic disorders. Mind thus starts playing the role of an enemy of life! Then you go to learn relaxation techniques with psychedelic music and visions from conditioned reflexes to enter into more delicate complications of the pretentious mind. And ‘I’, which is also the same mind, carefully hides behind your every activity. ‘Yoga Centres’, of course, are kept in good business thereby. The very anxiety to relax gives continuity to the burden of ‘I’ which the body (life) then unnecessarily carries creating more conflict and disturbance at every level of human affairs. One may benefit from the physical-fitness and self-hypnosis programmes under the hallowed banner of ‘Yoga’ with amusement and thrills derived from Sanskrit jargons. But the essence of Yoga is awakening of Intelligence, Integration and Insight which happens when the contents of consciousness are faced squarely without feeding them or fighting with them. This awakening takes place when one part of the embodied consciousness does not assume authority to handle the other parts imagining that the authority-wielding part is separate from the rest of the consciousness. This ‘authority’ then projects permanency as ‘individual’ and ‘soul’ with separate and special strategy for success and salvation in accordance with a particular belief-system. Actually, this is the shoddy little ‘I’, the myth, the virtual entity, the false fragmentation in the embodied consciousness! Essence of yoga is the mutation in this ‘mind-I’ frame when a radical change takes place by a total non-activity in the psyche. Real healing by the Holy then begins which has nothing to do with the pretentious ‘healers’ of the spiritual market. The essence of yoga is freedom of life (body) from the stranglehold of ‘mind-I’ outfit and its occupations, obsessions and obscurity. It is the re-discovery of the truth and understanding of life by each and every human being, without following the propagated idea about truth which is so rampant everywhere.

All our energy is from our mother. This is the ancient wisdom and this is also corroborated by the modern biological sciences. So when you are in fatigue, just remember your mother or other mother figures such as Annapurna (Anne-Marie), Ma-Radha (Maria), Saraswati (Sara), Kali-Ma (Fatima) and so on.

Be a firm rock in the mid-stream of the river of life.
Don't be in the fatigue of the mind.