Ретрит под Владимиром 2020

Ретрит под Владимиром 2020

8 — 14 июня 2020 г. под Владимиром состоится ретрит с Гуруджи Шибенду Лахири.

Передача практик в Москве

Передача практик в Москве

5, 6, 7 июня 2020 в Москве состоится передача практик крия йоги учителем династической линии Шибенду Лахири.

Lahiri Mahasaya

Lahiri Mahasaya

did not visit this planet to keep you amused in poor and paralyzing consolations but to break the mental prison.

There are no two

There are no two

Human consciousness is constituted by its contents comprising of cultural inputs and conditioning. There is no part of the conspicuous self-consciousness which is outside the net-work of its contents.

 An invitation

An invitation

to die to the illusion ‘I’ every moment so that a human being can live in Intelligence from moment to moment without the burden of the past and the ‘becoming’ of the future.



There is no psychological evolution or development. There is only the ending and demolition of the separative psyche ‘I’, for the emergence of divinity which is the awakening of Intelligence.

All-pervading Intelligence is eternally found in the continuous sacrifice of the ‘I’. In this sacrifice, there is an extraordinary space in the consciousness, an extraordinary emptiness. This space is creation, is love, is total energy, is life, is the unknowable.
An invitation Messages Message 12: You soon forget

Message 12

Amsterdam, Holland, 19 July 1999

Farewell Message to the Lineage Kriyabans of Europe

Listen to the loaded phrases being expressed through the lineage which communicate much more than the spoken words. Contemplate on phrases like “separative consciousness”, “unitive awareness”, “perception”, “conceptualization”, “existence”, “experience”, “ideas”, “insight”, “knowledge”, “wisdom”, “mind”, “no-mind”, “I-ness”, “you-ness”, “mindlessness”, “discontinuity in thought”, “choicelessness”, “guest-like attitude”, “witness-like attitude”, “attitude of ending and not cultivating opposites”, “learning and not just borrowing beliefs”, “intellect”, “intelligence”, “centripetal process”, “centrifugal process”, “meditation without meditator”, “deconditioning”, “concentration”, “focussing yet being aware of the whole”, “aloneness”, “loneliness”, “etic truth”, “emic truth” and so on.

You hear all this and more during pre-initiation gatherings, initiation-ceremonies, review meetings in various contexts and situations, but you soon forget. Please don’t forget. Hold on to these phrases in every activity and relationship. Carry them like jewels. There is something very special about this holding, which is not obsession or inhibition. It is not settling down to convenient concepts/ideas. These are not dead things of a mediocre brain. It is a very live-process. Absorb these phrases in your blood and touch the most sacred through Kriya practice.

Download the Message in PDF format:  Message 12: You soon forget (English)